Town of Bristol
Main Street Lighting & Sidewalk Project and Route 116 Paving Project
Monday, May 13, 2019, 7:30pm, upstairs at Holley Hall
(part of a regular Selectboard meeting)
A public information meeting will be held Monday, May 13, 2019, 7:30pm, upstairs in Holley Hall, to present information, answer questions, and get citizens' input on two major construction projects planned in Bristol that will affect the downtown and travel through Bristol on Route 116:
• Main Street Lighting and Sidewalk Project: estimated construction late fall 2019 or early spring 2020. Funding: Town of Bristol and a Downtown Transportation Fund grant.
• Route 116 Paving from Lord's Prayer Rock to Airport Road: estimated construction spring or summer 2020. Funding: VTrans.
Dubois & King is the engineering firm designing and managing both projects. Representatives will provide information about the scope of the projects, design options, cost estimates, expected schedules, potential construction impacts, parking impacts, and other details and will want to hear your thoughts and concerns.
Residents in the project area, area business owners, employees, customers, and others interested in Bristol's village are encouraged to attend. Questions? Contact Town Administrator Valerie Capels at (802) 453-2410 or at The meeting space is ADA accessible.
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