Fiscal Health Workshop Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall
Rescheduled from February
Are you concerned about taxes and economic development in Moretown? If you are, plan on attending the Fiscal Health Workshop that the Moretown Planning Commission is hosting on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Moretown Town Hall. The evening will begin with a presentation of background information and panel discussion of key issues.
The workshop is primarily intended to be an opportunity for Moretown residents to help direct the Planning Commission as it works on updating the Town Plan. Following the panel discussion, attendees will be asked to consider goals and recommendations that should be included in the Moretown Plan such as:
1. Should we encourage more businesses in Moretown? If so, what kind and scale? Where/where not?
2. Are changes needed to our current zoning for commercial and industrial development?
3. If Cell 4 is approved, how should we manage future landfill revenues? If it is not approved, how should we prepare for a future without landfill revenues?
4. Should any town services be eliminated, reduced or otherwise changed to lower town expenses and taxes? If so, what and how?
Based on the results of the Community Survey last fall, the Moretown’s fiscal health is a matter of great concern to many residents. Taxes, spending and economic development were major themes in the survey responses. The Planning Commission encourages all residents who want to learn more about the fiscal issues facing the town and take an active role in shaping town plan policies to attend the workshop. Hot beverages and light refreshments will be served. More information about the meeting and the Moretown Plan update is available online at
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