Volunteer for 2019 Champlain Valley Walk to End Alzheimer's!

Past event
Sep 15, 2019, 9 AM

Are you passionate about putting an end to Alzheimer's disease? Do you want to get more involved with the Alzheimer's Association and the Walk to End Alzheimer's? Then we need you! Join the Walk to End Alzheimer's Planning Committee and help grow the movement to end Alzheimer's from the ground up.

Committee members plan each Walk to End Alzheimer's event from the kick-off to the wrap-up. Some committee members focus on growing the event by recruiting teams, getting Walk materials out in the community and securing sponsorships. Others focus on event production and find ways to enhance the event experience.

New members are welcome to join any time throughout the year. Committee meetings are held approximately once a month January - December. Subcommittees may meet separately as needed.

To learn more about volunteering through our Walk Planning Committee,
please fill out the form below or contact us directly:

Jane Mitchell at vtwalk@alz.org or 802-316-3839


When: Sunday, September 15, 2019
Registration | 9 AM
Opening Ceremony | 11 AM
Where: Shelburne Museum

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