Bethany Church Talent and Treasure Auction

Past event
May 11, 2019, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Come to the Bethany Church TNT (Talent and Treasure) Auction on May 11th from 6:30-8:30 pm. The evening will begin at 5:00 at the Randolph Village Fire Station for a ham and bean supper, and continue at Bethany Church for the auction. There will be many amazing items to bid on including a vacation at a beach cabin in Maine, an RV to use for a week, quilts, baked goods, dinner parties, a gift certificate to Green Mountain gloves, a china cabinet, a vegetable CSA, a flower CSA, landscaping work, basketry classes, and much more! There will also be a raffle drawing for a 200 dollar gift certificate to Shaws.
See you at Bethany Church on May 11th!

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