Guy and My Gal Dance!

Past event
May 17, 2019, 6:30 to 8:30 PM


It's that time of year again.....Our annual Guy & Gal Dance!!! A time for the girls to spend a special night with the significant adult man in their lives!!! Hosted by GS but open to all area girls Kindergarten and up! Refreshments, DJ, "formal" pictures and a special gift for each girl will be be included. Semi-formal dress is encouraged!! Details:

WHEN: Friday May 17, 2019

WHERE: Milton Middle School Gym/Cafeteria

TIME: 6:30-8:30pm

ADMISSION: $12 per couple, $15 for 1 date and 2 girls

DEADLINE: Wednesday 5/15 to plan for #'s and supplies. Walk ins will still be welcome but not guaranteed the "special gift" per girl

REGISTRATION: Lynda Battistoni:, 802-893-4655 (H)
802-999-9566 (cell/text)

Please pass along this special event details to other girls/families. The more attendees the more fun for all!! We hope to see many beautiful girls and their handsome dates for this magical night. Thanks soo much!!

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