Newbury Book Discussion Group

Past event
Jun 6, 2019, 7 to 8 PM

The next meeting of the Newbury Book Discussion Group is Thursday, June 6th - 7 PM at the Tenney Memorial Library. This month we are reading Tara Westover's riveting memoir, "Educated." As Angela M on Goodreads writes: "Difficult to read. Impossible to put down. A powerful, powerful book that you shouldn't miss.....It sounds odd to say how beautifully written this is because we are not spared...the ugly details of what this family was about, but yet it is beautifully written. I had to remind myself at times that I wasn't reading a gritty novel, that Tara and her family were real as I got more than just a glimpse of a life that was hard for me to even imagine." The Newbury Book Discussion Group enjoys reading and sharing thoughts and opinions on a wide variety of books suggested by our members. We meet the first Thursday of each month and welcome anyone interested in joining us. You are encouraged to "take the plunge" and simply show up for our meeting on the 6th! (Copies of the book are available through interlibrary loan).

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