Saturday, 11 May 2019. East Calais Rec Hall (West half of the Post Office building), on Moscow Hills Road, off Vermont Route 14. Official start-time is 9 A.M., though of-course nobody pays attention to that anyway. This is THE BIG ONE! Leavings of several persons living and dead. Yarn, ZAP Comix, tools, stained glass, folding beds, many serious/scholarly books, collectors' china (incl Dotted Swiss, and some adorable cow-creamers), WLS Stand-by program guides from the 1930s, Navajo rug, Navajo and Zuni fetishes, Navajo "story-teller" jewelry, 1948 wedding dress, boat-trailer, classical CDs, LPs, and cassettes, nice chest of drawers, nice sets of standard/classic authors, incl Dickens (1870s' edn), George Eliot, and RL Stevenson (10 vols in lovely half-leather binding), US plate-blocks, 2 short-wave radios, prints. More being excavated every day. Those who know me may feel free to try to make inquiries via 'phone; E-mail is only intermittently available.
Mar 8, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent AuctionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
Friday Story Time for Ages 0-5 (Tuesdays, Too!)Mar 14, 2025, 10 to 11:35 AM