Estates Sale!

Past event
May 11, 2019

Saturday, 11 May 2019. East Calais Rec Hall (West half of the Post Office building), on Moscow Hills Road, off Vermont Route 14. Official start-time is 9 A.M., though of-course nobody pays attention to that anyway. This is THE BIG ONE! Leavings of several persons living and dead. Yarn, ZAP Comix, tools, stained glass, folding beds, many serious/scholarly books, collectors' china (incl Dotted Swiss, and some adorable cow-creamers), WLS Stand-by program guides from the 1930s, Navajo rug, Navajo and Zuni fetishes, Navajo "story-teller" jewelry, 1948 wedding dress, boat-trailer, classical CDs, LPs, and cassettes, nice chest of drawers, nice sets of standard/classic authors, incl Dickens (1870s' edn), George Eliot, and RL Stevenson (10 vols in lovely half-leather binding), US plate-blocks, 2 short-wave radios, prints. More being excavated every day. Those who know me may feel free to try to make inquiries via 'phone; E-mail is only intermittently available.

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