It seems that when I posted about the April 25-26 "Grand Opening" of the Friends Used Book Sale, it may not have been posted on the Vergennes (Panton, Addison, Waltham) thread. We don't want our devoted customers to feel they missed an opportunity they had been waiting for.
We are offering a FREE BOOK from the general offerings—fiction, nonfiction, audiobooks, biographies, children's books—to anyone that comes to the Book Sale Sat. May 4, buys at least one book and tells us you saw this announcement on Front Porch Forum. ( May 4th only)
Beginning April 27, open every Saturday, 9 AM to 1:30 PM and one Friday a month, 3 PM to 6 PM.
The largest portion of available books are shelved, alphabetized and sorted. There are many CD audiobooks, popular fiction and nonfiction. Large selection of Children's Books with YA (Young Adult) choices. Nonfiction is arranged by subject, making it much easier to find what you are looking for. Vermont themed or authored books in their own area.
We are accepting book and audiobook donations from 9 AM to 1 PM. We will NOT accept any book that you wouldn't buy.