Materials for May 9 Planning Commission Meeting

Past event
May 9, 2019, 7 to 9 PM


Meeting packets assembled for the next meeting of the Shelburne Planning Commission are now available. Consisting of a roughly 55-page Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF) file, the material has been posted online at

The main agenda items include: 1) Annual Reorganization/Elections; 2) Planning Matters; and 3) Zoning Matters.

The Planning Commission's Rules of Procedure state that the Commission will reorganize itself and elect a Chair and Vice Chair at least once per year. That election will take place on May 9.

With respect to Planning Matters, the Planning Commission will discuss the efforts of two subcommittees. Issues for Commissioners to consider may include memberships/appointments and committee work assignments.

When it takes up zoning matters, the Commission is first expected to continue its discussion of definitions relating to Planned Unit Developments (also known as PUDs). After discussing definitions relating to PUDs, Commissioners will have an opportunity to resume discussion of Form Based Zoning.

Should you have any question about the meeting or the materials, please contact the Planning and Zoning office.

Thank you.

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