Your local solid waste districts are offering these workshops again. The sixth one will be held at the Pomfret Town Offices, 5218 Pomfret Road, North Pomfret. Attendees can purchase one Soil Saver composter at the greatly discounted price of $30 (additional composters are $50). Please bring cash or a check because we cannot process credit cards. Cat Buxton's presentation is about 45 minutes with time afterwards for questions. To sign up, call 674-9235 or email If you'd like to purchase a composter but not attend a workshop, go to for an order form and details.
Dec 21, 2024, 11 AM to 3 PM
Market on Main - A Holiday Pop UpDec 21, 2024, 12 to 8 PM
Christmas at Old South ChurchDec 24, 5 PM to 2 PM, Dec 25, 2024