Volunteers for COTS Walk, May 5

Past event
May 5, 2019, 1 to 4 PM

Greetings, everyone -

We are in the home stretch for the 30th Annual COTS Walk … and we are feeling hopeful with the beautiful forecast for this Sunday that we will reach our fundraising goal. Fingers crossed!!!

I am asking you to help spread the word that COTS needs a few more volunteers, particularly Crossing Guards. So in case you know someone who loves to volunteer … needs community service hours … or City Market member hours … or otherwise is just an awesome person with some free time this Sunday afternoon, please share this opportunity.

And, on a personal note, for me, sharing the story of COTS is a great privilege. As part of our "Lift Every Voice" theme this year, we have been interviewing current shelter guests to feature their thoughts and words on speech bubbles throughout the Walk -- their stories, in their own words. I wanted to share with you a few of their words …

What does "home" mean to you?

· "Where you can go and feel at peace."
"A place where you can be with friends, or even someone you just met, and have intellectual conversations."
What brings you joy?

· "Life itself."
· "Trying to put a smile on everyone's face. I make it my mission to make people smile."

Thank you for considering... Anyone interested in volunteering can may email Sian at sianl@cotsonline.org for details. Free Ben & Jerry's for all, guaranteed!

And, of course, we are still looking for Walkers: Walk-in Walkers are welcomed and encouraged, but there is still time to register in advance, too.

Questions? Ask away … and if you can, join us Sunday, too!

Becky Holt
COTS Development Director
(802) 864-7402, Ext. 204

Volunteer or walk with us: Register today

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