Hey Families! Just another friendly reminder about the educational series, "Solutions for the Childbearing Woman: A Wholistic Approach".
We're already half-way through this *amazing* continued community offering! The event is being held on Thursday evenings, from 6:30pm-7:30pm and is hosted by, Fostering Wellness Chiropractic, located at 26 N. Main St in Randolph, VT. Phone: (802) 728-5159. Children are welcome. Wholesome refreshments and tea will be served. This workshop is centered around (but not limited to) Childbearing Women in the area, who might be yearning for an integrated approach to health, but aren't quite sure what resources are out there. In our neck of the woods, we've lined up several, highly qualified, Natural Health Practitioners, preparing to speak on different healing modalities and their unique approaches to care. So please come meet, listen, and learn from your fellow Community Healers - we'd love to have you!
This coming Thursday, May 2nd, Jamison Sellers DC will be, "Addressing Dystocia Before Birthing".
The Cesarean section rate in this country has risen to a staggering 33% in the last few decades, prompted in part by difficult or stalled labor, also known as, Dystocia. Have women forgotten how to deliver babies naturally or is there something else going on that is causing women to have stalled labor? Dr. Jamison will talk about the major causes of dystocia, including physiological or Neuro-Biomechanical issues, emotional disruptions, as well as clinician or technology induced causes, and how Chiropractic can address these in a gentle and effective manner. If you're looking to gain a greater understanding about challenges that can come up in labor and how they can be remedied, don't miss this talk on Thursday, at 6:30pm!
Stay tuned for bios and additional details on upcoming presentations, here on FPF or check out: https://www.facebook.com/FOSTERingWellnessChiropractic/events.
Upcoming Presenter Schedule and Topics:
5/2 Jamison Sellers DC "Addressing Dystocia before Birthing"
5/9 Chris Hollis ND, L.Ac, MSOM "Holistic Medicine for the Childbearing Years"
5/16 Lindsay Haupt DPT "Pelvic and Abdominal Health pre, during and post-partum"
5/23 Mary Lake, LLL Leader "Breastfeeding Community and Post-partum Support"