The Mt. Mansfield Masonic Lodge will be holding an Oyster Stew/Ham Supper on March 22nd @ 5PM ay the Jericho Elementary School. The menu will consist of Oyster Stew, Oyster Crackers, Salad, Rolls, Dessert , and Beverages or Ham, Baked Potato, Vegetable, Salad, Rolls, Dessert, and Beverages. Tickets are $12 for Ham, $15 for Oyster Stew or you may order the combo (Oyster Stew and Ham) for $20, Children under 12 are $7.
Proceeds from this event will go to the Lodge Charities Fund. We will also be holding a 50/50 raffle. Reservations are required and takeout orders are available. Reservation deadline is March 15th. Please contact Bob Gockel at 879-4075 or e-mail bobgockel@gmail .com
Mar 6, 2025, 12 AM to 11:55 PM
Pebble Party Spring Forward Fundraiser!Mar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Community Blood DriveMar 11, 2025, 10:30 AM to 3 PM