March 29--help us raise $ for Deerfield Valley Food Pantry

Past event
Mar 29, 2014, 5 to 9 PM

Brattleboro Music Center and St. Mary's in the Mountains Episcopal Church in Wilmington have teamed up to work with the Deerfield Valley Food Pantry to raise much-needed $ for the Food Pantry. On March 29, there will be an Empty Bowls soup dinner starting at 5 PM (goes until 7; come any time in there) at the Twin Valley HS in Wilmington, then dessert at St. Mary's (which is now located in what used to be the Wilmington Congregational Church, 13 E. Main St.) will be served starting at 6:30 and then a concert at 7:30 featuring many BMC musicians, also at St. Mary's.

Tickets are $10 each (with at $25 max for families) for the soup dinner, the dessert is "by donation" and the concert tickets are $10. As with other Empty Bowl dinners , you will be served a simple soup supper in a hand-made bowl. While the soup is bottomless, the bowls are first come first serve!

For further information, contact Carol Ann Johnson at 251-0938.

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