Dog and Cat owners, Central Vermont Humane Society is holding a vaccine clinic on Saturday, March 29th. You can get rabies, RCP for cats, and DHPP for dogs. Just in time to register your dog with the town on March 31st!! See below for details. You will also be able to get your animal microchipped for only $25. As the Middlesex Animal Control Officer, I ask you to please register your dogs, and please microchip your pets. I'd like to be able to quickly return your animal to you if you are accidentally separated. There are many heart-warming stories of pets and owners being reunited months or years after being lost or stolen, all because of a microchip.
I'll be helping out at the clinic -- please come by and see me!
Saturday, March 29
9 am to 11 am
Rabies and Distemper Vaccines: $15 each
(Distemper = RCP for cats, DHPP for dogs)
All applicable boosters are the responsibility of the owner.
Microchips: $25 including registration
Please bring most recent vaccination certificate (tag not sufficient) if applicable. Animals without certificates will receive vaccines good for one year only. Clinic not wheelchair accessible. Call at least 2 days ahead: 476-3811 for accessible appointment (no appointments needed for general clinic). Please come prepared to wait in an outdoor line in variable weather conditions, with no cover from sun or rain. No restroom for clinic. Vet consults not available.
“First come, first served” is the general rule, with limited exceptions made at the discretion of management if necessary for health and safety reasons. Limited supply of vaccines and limited time available. CVHS and our partner veterinarian reserve the right to refuse services to any persons or animals for health or safety reasons.
Please bring enough adult humans to safely control your children and pets in a stressful environment with multiple other animals and people. Clinics are not child-friendly environments–please try to leave your children at home. Cats must be in carriers. Dogs must be in carriers or on leashes.
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