Green Up Day in Barton

Past event
May 4, 2019, 9 AM to 3 PM

Approaching the 50th year, Green Up Day, always the 1st Sat. in May, will remove hundreds of tons of trash from our roads state wide. Judy and I are coordinators for Barton Town, which includes the villages of Barton and Orleans and the surrounding areas. In many cases Green Up bags were left on the roads for town employees to pick up. The idea is that by seeing the green bags all over the state, people are inspired to join in. However, in Barton you can do that or you can show up at the Town Garage (on May Farm Rd. off of RT 5 between Barton & Orleans) on May 4 only from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. for as much ice cream as you can eat! There will be a dumpster there.

Green Up Day is for roadside trash only. That means, no household trash or furniture. Also, no hazardous waste (if you see a needle, don't touch it) or electronics. Metal is okay, as well as tires found on the road. The only way Green Up Day will continue to succeed will be to get younger children involved. On that note, Judy and I are looking for a younger person(s) to take over as coordinators. For further information, call Oz and Judy Henchel, 525-3944. Thanks.

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