Want to learn more about these Little Free Gardens we keep talking about?
Join us for a planning potluck at Damon Hall this Sunday, April 28th, from 1-3 PM!
"LFGs" are small plots that anyone can garden in, and everyone can eat from. The end goal of this project is to have every person in Hartland be able to eat fresh veggies for free, grown right in their neighborhood!
We need your help to make this happen. There are plenty of ways to get involved, no matter how little time or gardening experience you have to spare.
Currently, the four host plots where we'll be piloting the project are: Mace Hill, Four Corners, Three Corners, and by the Library. If you live in one of these areas, please come so that you can get involved with what's going on in your neighborhood!
If you don't live in one of those areas, come to our potluck and find out how you can bring a LFG to your street!
If you can't come to the potluck but want to know more, I would be thrilled if you gave me a call, text or email: 802-683-4086, kakelley436@gmail.com.
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