Growing Veggies from A to Z with Henry Homeyer

Past event
May 9, 2019, 7 to 8 PM

Henry Homeyer is a garden writer and the author of 4 gardening books including "The Vermont Gardener's Companion". He writes a weekly gardening column that appears in a dozen newspapers and 2 blog sites, and has been writing his column over 20 years. He does commentary for Vermont Public Radio and has taught sustainable gardening at Granite State College. He has been a UNH Master Gardener for over 20 years.

Henry Homeyer will present How to Grow Vegetables from A to Z (Artichokes to Zucchini) Using Organic Techniques.

"Organic gardener Henry Homeyer has been growing vegetables all his life, and will share some of what he has learned, with the aid of a PowerPoint slide show. Henry eats something from his garden virtually every day of the year - frozen, dried or stored." He will be pleased to answer your questions, and will bring some of his books, and his favorite weeding tool, for sale after the talk.

At the North Branch Nature Center
713 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT
FREE and Open to the Public
Thursday, May 9th, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

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