A Spaghetti Dinner, for the benefit of Karlie Gates will be held Friday, April 26, at the Rupert Fire House. Doors open at 5pm. Gates, a graduate of Mettawee Community School, is undergoing treatment for cancer at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. There will also be a Silent Auction, including a raffle for a Telescope patio set, and live music by the Roadside Blues Band. Advance tickets are $7 thru April 22. Contact Linda Maness at mcspr1959@gmail.com or 802 779 4486. Tickets at the door will be $8. If you wish to donate food, contact Kelli Lewis at klewis@mettaweeschool.org. To donate an item for the silent auction, contact Mandy Mayer at mmayer@mettaweeschool.org.