For the past year, Eliza and Jade Knockwood have been directly involved in the campaign to protect the land and water of Mi'kmaqi—"New Brunswick"—from Southwestern Energy Company's (SWN) attempt to frack for natural gas in the area. Eliza and her daughter Jade Knockwood are coming to Vermont to tell the story of community resistance in Mi'kmaq territory, and connect the dots between fracking there, and Vermont Gas' attempt to construct the fracked gas pipeline here in Vermont.
Public Presentations:
Tues, March 18th - 4:30 PM Warner Hemicycle, Middlebury College
Wed, March 19th - 4:30 PM Marsh Life Science 105, University of Vermont
Wed, March 19th - 7 PM Screening of Kesalul - Merrill's Roxy Cinema, Burlington
Thrs, March 20th - 5:30 PM, All Together Now, East Montpelier
Eliza Star Child Knockwood is an Independent documentary-maker, frontline activist, mother, and protector of the land. Eliza is committed to storytelling with new media to bring the past into the future. She describes herself as a Youth Bundle-Keeper, with the responsibility of passing on traditional and contemporary knowledge for this generation and the ones yet to come. Eliza Star Child is known for her ability to speak from the heart, bringing her unique perspective as a First Nations woman, single parent, and two-spirited person connected with the LGBTQ community.
For more information contact:
Mar 6, 2025, 9 to 11 AM
Vermont Flower ShowMar 7, 10 AM to 12 PM, Mar 9, 2025
Carnevale Fundraiser & Silent ActionMar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM