Hello from Champlain Valley Union High School!
Come join us for our annual Graduation Challenge Presentation Day!
Offer your expertise and feedback as students share about their Graduation Challenge experiences. Grad Challenge is a year-long project where students pursue an interest, write a reflective essay, and do a formal presentation. You'll get oriented at the beginning of your time slot, then you'll sit back and enjoy hearing about students' learning. You'll have a chance to ask questions and offer thoughts at the end of each presentation.
When: May 17th, with 3 time slots to choose from (9 - 10:30am, 10:45am - 12:15pm, or 1 - 2:15pm). You can come for one or stay for all three!
Where: CVU High School, 369 C.V.U. Rd., Hinesburg, VT
How: If you're interested, please sign up using the brief form found here: https://forms.gle/pc6qbGELJX9ccfzn7
Contact Carly Rivard (crivard@cvsdvt.org) and/or Mackenzie Dowling (mdowling@cvsdvt.org) for more information.
Thank you!