Plainfield's Hazard Mitigation Committee meets this Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Once again we'll be looking at the Brook Road bridge questions, as well as reviewing our progress so far - in the Marshfield dam case in front of the Public Utility Commission. We meet in the public room behind the Town Clerk's office... entrance is the rear door near the Co-op.
As always, the public is invited.
1. Minutes from the March meeting
2. Response to and evaluation of Brook Road bridge proposals, looking at returned RFPs from engineering firms.
3. Our June special meeting and forum - (tentative) Helping Each Other in Disasters. Changes in scope and participation, updates.
4. PUC Case no 18-2549-PET (Green Mt. Power's request for a Certificate of Public Good to make changes at the Marshfield #6 dam - next strategies to insure dam safety.
5. Other business.