"High Performance Manufactured Home - Open House!
WE INVITE YOU to see a new High Performance, Energy Efficient Modular Home THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY!
VHCB, Efficiency Vermont and VERMOD invite you visit a home built to the highest level of quality, durability, and energy efficiency that will provide years of worry free, low-cost enjoyment. Designed to fit in a mobile home park or on your own land.
Friday, March 14th and Saturday March 15th
10:00am - 2:00pm
2677 Route 5, Wilder
Special note for builders and interested buyers: At 11am and 1pm we will offer one hour seminars on high performance building techniques.
Directions: From I-91 northbound, Take Exit 12. Turn right at the end of the ramp and proceed to the end of Bugbee Road. Take a left onto Route 5 North, drive 2 miles. After you pass under the highway, the plant entrance is the second right after Kacey Drive.
For more information: www.vhcb.org/mhi