Plymouth Town-Wide Tag Sale Coming in May!

Past event
May 26, 2019, 9 AM to 6 PM

Memorial Day Sunday, May 26th 2019
9AM - 6PM

Inside at The Plymouth Community Center (the old Elementary School) · 35 School Dr, Plymouth 
(Just North of the Municipal Building on Route 100 in Plymouth Union)

The residents of Plymouth VT are hosting a Tag Sale featuring a wide range of furniture, contemporary treasures, knick-knacks, sporting equipment, and good-quality clothing.

Our last town-wide sale included —

good-quality furniture (chairs, coffee tables, side boards, bar stools, bedside tables)
antique woodworking tools 

contemporary and antique dish sets and tableware 
contemporary home furnishings and knick-knacks (wall hangings, tabletop decorations, baskets) 

cooking and food prep equipment (casserole dishes, decorative muffin tins, peelers & scrapers) 

weights and exercise equipment 
medical equipment (crutches, bathtub chairs, toilet seat risers, walkers, canes)
skis and poles 
snowboards and ice skates 
snowsuits, ski ware, goggles, helmets 

prom dresses, cocktail and evening dresses 

casual clothing, jeans 
dress and casual shoes 
sweaters and jackets 

motorcycle leathers, gloves, helmets 

telescopes and microscopes, binoculars 

Come explore our new offerings as Plymouth residents & second home owners clear out our storage lofts, attics, basements and garages!

How to Participate as a Vendor at the 6th Annual Plymouth Town Tag Sale 

All Plymouth residents are invited to participate as vendors in our Tag Sale on Memorial Day Sunday; to be held at the Plymouth Community Center on May 26th. 

To put items up for sale, here's what you need to do: 
Securely attach a tag to every item. Each tag must have both (a) your initials, and (b) the price. (We cannot negotiate a price on your behalf, however you can change prices on your unsold items at anytime during the sale.) Please use 3 initials on your tags, to avoid possible duplication! 
Note: We strongly suggest that you use actual tags - ideally, the kind with little strings - and attach them securely with safety pins or by tying the string to your item. We have learned that adhesive labels, tape, and safety pin-secured tags tend to fall off. If your tag falls off, or we cannot read what it says, we will not be able to sell the item. 
Deliver your Tag Sale items to the Plymouth Community Center on the following days and times:

Sunday May 19th, 11am-1pm

Wednesday May 22nd, 4:30pm-6:30pm

Saturday May 25th 10:30am-1:30pm

We will have tables for display. You can also provide your own display, if you wish. And, in general, if you have a table to loan us, it will be a big help. You are responsible for displaying your items. Tables and floor space are available on a first-come, first-served basis. However, your items do not have to be segregated from other people's items because the tags identify what belongs to you no matter where they are displayed. 

While delivering your items, please sign up for a shift to help staff the event. The Sale will be open from 9 am - 6 pm on Sunday May 26th. We need at least 2 volunteers for each of the following shifts:

9 am - 11am

Please plan to pick up what does not sell on the following dates and times.

Wednesday May 29, 4-7 pm

Saturday, June 1, 10:30 am - 1:30pm

Anything unclaimed will be offered to Bridgewater Sustainable Earth Foundation the week of June 3rd. Anything they do not want will be disposed of through the Plymouth Transfer Station by June 10th. 

Cost: There will be a small fee to participate as a vendor. The fee offsets the cost of printing flyers, making sandwich boards to advertise the event, and disposal cost. The fee is $5, and will be subtracted from your total sales. (So, if you don't sell anything, you won't pay anything. And if you sell less than $5, you will only pay the amount you sold. Everything over the first $5 will go to you.) 
Participants are partners in advertising the event. We will have a downloadable PDF of the event's advertisement flyer available on May 1. You can use it to print your own flyers, if you wish. We will also provide printed flyers at Plymouth Town Hall starting on Monday, May 1. Please spread them around!

Questions? Contact Lauren Skaskiw, Community Center Director or call 802 417 6895

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