Congratulations to the newest class of Kindergarteners and parents!
Now that you've registered at Robinson, perhaps you would like to meet the other families (14-15 in number)?
This Saturday is our Second Saturday Toddler Meet-Up from 9:30-10:30.
We would like to especially invite the rising Kindergarten class to come to the library at the same time. At 10am, we'll serve a glass of celebratory juice and share a snack. Feel free to just stop in for a few minutes, or sign your student up for their OWN LIBRARY CARD and check out the collection. We can show the new Kindergartener the book that was dedicated to them in their 1st year. Please tell your friends!
If this is fun - we'll do it again next month! It is always great to get to know each other before that first big day on the bus!
Mar 12, 2025, 12 AM to 1 PM
Dragon Boat Info Session: Active Adults Wanted!Mar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
LGBTQIA+ Say Hey! March 16Mar 16, 2025, 2 to 4 PM