Challenger Summer Soccer Camp

Past event
Aug 4 to 8, 2014

We are pleased to announce another year of partnership with Challenger Sports, providers of the USA’s most popular soccer camp, to host the week long British Soccer camp during the week of August 4th – 8th at the Folsom School, South Hero, VT 05486.

The camp will run Monday through Friday, two different sessions for children ages 5-9 and 10-16. Each child will be coached by a member of Challenger’s British coaching staff flown to the USA exclusively to work on these programs.

Challenger’s British Soccer Camp is more than a week of drills and skills. In addition to taking part in a daily regimen of foot skill development (through the 1,000 touches curriculum), technical and tactical practices and daily ‘World Cup’ tournament style plays, each child will be treated to a rich cultural experience and lessons on respect, responsibility, integrity, leadership and sportsmanship.

Each camper will receive a FREE camp T-shirt, soccer ball, soccer poster, individual skills performance evaluation and free access to an educational soccer website. In addition, any child who signs up online at least 45 days prior to camp will receive a genuine British Soccer replica Jersey valued at $39. For further information or to register your child, please visit

Local contact for questions or if your family is interested in hosting a coach: Liese Reagan, Champlain Islands Soccer camp coordinator (email: phone: 372-5296)

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