SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Tuesday, April 9th, 6 p.m. at Doty to VOTE ON DOTY BUDGET.
The Worcester School Board has warned a district meeting and budget vote for Doty Elementary School for TUESDAY, April 9th, 6 p.m. at Doty.
The U-32 School Board has also warned an Australian ballot vote on the U-32 budget on April 9th. Voting will be at the Town Hall from 10am to 7pm
Informational reports have been mailed out, and are also available here: https://www.wcsu32.org/cms/lib/VT02224924/Centricity/Domain/279/Doty%20Report%20to%20Electorate.pdf .
Worcester is under an order to merge with the other U-32 towns by the State Board of Education. It is likely that the district will merge with the other U-32 town districts to be operational on July 1, and an organizational meeting for the new district was scheduled for Monday, April 8th. However, in case there is a delay ordered by the Legislature, we have warned a specific vote to try to ensure Doty will have a voter-approved budget in either event by July 1.
The Doty budget is a level-service budget, maintaining the same programming and services as last year. The budget is down 0.74%. Salaries and benefits are up about five a half percent, but this is offset by reduced expenses. Combined with the U-32 proposed budget, there is an expected decrease on the tax rate of $0.023. Just as at a Town Meeting Day meeting, the Board will be available at the meeting for questions regarding the proposed budget. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Doty Board. Our contact information is at dotyschool.org.
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