Effective Social Media for Beginners – A workshop on Instagram and Facebook for Professional Use
Elizabeth Rossano with Julia Wilks of Word & Web
Thursdays April 11, 18 & 25
Class 1: 6:00 – 9:00pm; Class 2 & 3: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Cost: $60
Must Pre-Register by April 10 at graceart.org
Class Limit: 5 students
Requirements: Participants need to bring laptops and phones or tablets
This class will get you started or boost your confidence using an Instagram account and integrated Facebook page for your business or organization. You'll learn how to present yourself well on social media and make effective posts. We will start the workshop by building your profiles and pages from the ground up, or give them a facelift if they already exist. Then we'll develop a strategy for ongoing use and draft your first few posts. Learn how to avoid embarrassing mistakes and make posts that your audience will actually engage with!
Elizabeth Rossano is a videographer and photographer who has studied the social media success of others and has her own experience using these platforms for her business. She is passionate about the amazing potential of social media and at the same time realistic about its limitations. A senior millennial, Elizabeth has come of age alongside these platforms and is both comfortable with them and can relate to the steep learning curve that some face. It's all going to be okay!
Julia Wilk is a web designer and knowledgeable about the back end of visibility on the web. An artist and a techie, she knows everything from how to fix a broken smart phone to effective graphic design. What the heck is SEO, you ask? Don't worry, Julia can tell you what you need to know.