Our Neighborhood Planning Assembly is trying something new this month -- a short open house prior to the start of the formal meeting so that residents have time to meet and chat over light refreshments (yes, food!). We encourage you to come to the meeting, or watch it on Channel 17 and let us know if you have ideas for future meetings, and/or suggestions as to how to make our meetings accessible, inclusive and vibrant.
Here's the agenda:
Wards 1 and 8 Neighborhood Planning Assembly (NPA) Agenda
April 10. 2019 Meeting
McClure Lobby Conference Room of the UVM Medical Center
6:45 Open House and Food
7:00 Welcome, Introductions and Speak Out: An opportunity for residents to make announcements and to speak briefly regarding issues of concern
7:20 City Councilors Report - Sharon Bushor, Adam Roof, Jack Hanson
7:35 Ward 8 Member Vote re Linda Rivzi's Candidacy for the NPA Steering Committee
7:37 DPW Update re East Avenue Traffic Calming Petition
7:40 DPW: Bike and Scooter Program - Chapin Spencer
7:50 DPW & NPA Steering Committee: Sidewalk Safety
o Update from DPW on summer construction & plans for repairs of severe sidewalk problems
o Seeking NPA input regarding resolution requesting that DPW take immediate steps to address significant sidewalk safety and accessibility issues city-wide, rather than delay addressing needed work until a given stretch of sidewalk can be fully rebuilt.
8:10 NPA Review of Proposed Housing Project on 110 Riverside Ave - Steve Guild, presenter
Overview of proposed 3-4 story (57 units) apartment building with underground parking and surface parking
8:30 Crisis in Early Childhood Education and Day Care Availability - Susan Linskey, presenter
8:40 Discussion of NPA Wards 1 and 8 - led by Cindy Cook & Jonathan Chapple-Sokol
1. Vote: Does our NPA support a request for increased city funding for NPA's from $400 to $2,500/year
2. Brainstorm possible meeting locations and future topics for NPA meetings
3. Possible May agenda topics:
a. Edmunds Building Project - Keith Pillsbury;
b. Neighborhood Project Report - Gillian Nanton
c. Suggestions for names of participants for discussion of landlord issues
d. Lake Monsters season preview
e. UVM MC tour (perhaps immediately preceding the NPA meeting)
f. Other topics?
8:55 Adjourn
NPA Steering Committee:
Jonathan Chapple-Sokol, jchapplesokol@gmail.com
Cindy Cook, Ward 1, ccook@adamantaccord.com
Richard Hillyard, Ward 1, pompeyhccc@hotmail.com
Carol Livingston, Ward 1, carol.livingston1951@gmail.com
Caryn Long, Ward 1, carynlongvt@gmail.com
Mar 8, 2025, 11 AM to 1 PM
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