Please remember to attend the Washington Central Unified Union School District (WCUUSD) organizational meeting on Monday, April 8th at 6 pm in the U-32 Auditorium. Childcare WILL be available in Room 128/131.
Items to be voted on from the floor are included within the warning below.
April 8th, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
The legal voters of the Washington Central Unified Union School District (the "District"), comprising the voters of the Towns of Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex and Worcester, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Union 32 High School in East Montpelier, VT on Monday, April 8th, 2019, in the Auditorium at 6:00 p.m. to conduct the following business:
i. To elect the following officers of the District from among the qualified voters of the district, which officers shall assume office upon election and serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified:
• Moderator
• Clerk
• Treasurer
ii. To determine a date and location for the first annual meeting of the District and all subsequent annual meetings, which shall be not earlier than February 1 and not later than June 1 in each year.
iii. To determine whether to vote on the District's budget and all other public questions by Australian ballot.
iv. To determine whether to elect members of the District Board by Australian ballot.
v. To determine and approve compensation, if any, to be paid to officers of the District.
vi. To determine and approve compensation, if any, to be paid to members of the District Board.
vii. To establish provisions for the payment of any expense incurred by the District before it becomes fully operational on July 1, 2019 under a voter-approved budget for the fiscal year beginning on that date.
viii. To authorize the District to borrow money pending receipt of payments from the State Education Fund by the issuance of its notes or orders payable not later than one year from date: provided, however, that the District is authorized by Vermont Statutes to borrow sufficient funds to meet pending obligations.
ix. To determine whether to authorize the Board of School Directors, pursuant to the provisions of 16 V.S.A. § 563(10) & (11)(C), to provide mailed notice to residents of the availability of the Annual Report and proposed school budget in lieu of distributing the Annual Report and proposed budget.
Dated this 6th day of March, 2019.
Daniel M. French, Ed.D.
Secretary of Education
Feb 23, 2025, 3 PM
Family Friendly Block Printing WorkshopFeb 26, 2025, 1 to 3 PM
Coffee with School Board MembersMar 1, 2025, 8 to 10 AM