If you are a motorcyclist and have a working motorcycle you are invited to go on a short ride to Manchester town, VT on Saturday, April 20. For this ride, we will meet at the Newfane Market in Newfane, just across the People's United Bank at 9:00 am. In Manchester, we will stop at the Works restaurant to sip a cup of coffee or tea. Like in an hour we will loop around Bennington taking 7 south. We will take route 9 towards Wilmington, etc. If you are interested in going on this ride, please RSVP by sending your email to me through the FPF. At later time, I would like to create a page on Facebook in order to communicate openly for future rides. If you have any questions or comments let us know at your house earliest convenience. My motorcycle is a Honda Goldwing. I hope to you see a few RSVPs soon. We will back to Newfane after the ride.