West Rutland Historical Society Annual Meeting

Past event
Apr 9, 2019, 6 to 7 PM

The Annual Meeting and election of Officers of the West Rutland Historical Society will be held on Tuesday - April 9, 2019 @ 6:00 pm in the West Rutland Town Hall Conference room at 35 Marble Street in West Rutland. ADA accessible. Anyone who may be interested in joining the Historical Society is welcomed to attend.

Membership dues for 2019 can be paid up at the meeting. The Society is a 501c(3) not for profit organization. Light refreshments to be served Following the meeting there will be a brief program on the history of the West Rutland train depot and if time permits, reviewing a video of Rutland railroads.

For more information contact Peter Kulig @ 802-438-2255 or e-mail: ptkulig_207@outlook.com.

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