School Board Meeting

Past event
Apr 4, 2019, 6 to 8 PM

Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union Craftsbury School Board Meeting Agenda April 4, 2019 6:00 - 8:00 PM Craftsbury Academy Commons Room
Time Agenda Item
6:00 1. Call to Order
1.A. Amendments to the Agenda
6:05 2. Approve minutes of March 14, 2019
6:10 3. Public Comment
6:15 4. Administration Reports-Incidental Information- No Board
Action Required
1. Treasurer's Report- Approve 2. Principal's Incidental Report 3. Superintendent's Incidental Report
5. Discussion Items: Issues that the Board discusses and deliberate, but no action is taken at this meeting.
1. SU Meeting Report 2. Committee assignments- Postings for agenda and
minutes 3. Attorney Asset Update 4. Website Discussion 5. Appoint Woodlot Sub Committee 6. Elementary School- what are the next steps
6. Action items: Issues that require the Board to make a decision by vote
1. Approve Monthly Financial Narrative with w/budget
adjustments 2. Sign Orders 3. Adopt Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace, Use of Restraint
and seclusion, Curriculum Development and coordination, Title I Comparability, Responsible computer, internet, and network use 4. 403 B
7:55 What should be on the next agenda?
8:00 8. Adjourn
Next Meeting: May 9, 2019 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Craftsbury Academy Commons Room

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