4th Energy Fair by Craftsbury Energy Committee

Past event
Apr 17, 2019, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

4th Craftsbury Energy Fair, Craftsbury Public Library, Wed., 4/17!!
The Craftsbury Energy Committee is hosting your one-stop shopping for energy-related info with their Fourth Sustainable Energy Fair. The grand event will be on Wed. 4/17, from 6:30 - 8:30 PM at the Craftsbury Public Library.
There will be over 20 professionals to answer questions and share with you energy saving ideas, products, financial incentives, and financing strategies on:
- Home Weatherization through hiring a professional or DIY with professional guidance
- Energy efficient new home construction, remodels, and modulars
- Solar electricity
- Heat pump water heaters and space heaters
- Low interest loans for renewable energy, weatherization, and energy conservation appliances
- Grants and low interest loans for low - middle income families for home repairs, home purchases, home weatherization, and solar electric projects
- Wood pellet stoves
- Bio fuel for home heating
- Electric and hybrid cars
- Programs by electric utilities that provide incentives for customers to decrease their electric bills

For the latest list of vendors with contact information, go to:
For more info, o r if you want to be on our email notification list, please contact: CraftsburyEnergyCommittee@gmail.com

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