Essex Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Apr 1, 2019, 7 to 9 PM

The Essex Selectboard is meeting on Monday, April 1 at 7 PM. The meeting will be held at the Essex Town Offices at 81 Main Street. Here are some highlights from the agenda:

-Public to be heard.
-The SB will elect a chair, vice-chair, and clerk.
-The SB will consider renewing several first and second class liquor licenses.
-The SB will consider awarding a bid for the Dalton Drive Waterline Replacement project to Courtland Construction, the lowest bidder.
-The SB will consider approving the 2019-2020 Selectboard meeting schedule.
-The SB will consider approving the Rules and Regulations for Orderly Conduct of Business.
-The SB will consider approving the Conflict of Interest Policy.
-The SB will consider approving the minutes from February 6, February 21, March 4, and March 18.
-The SB will consider approving the consent agenda, which includes a proclamation for Kids to Parks Day 2019, an application for a Highway Structures Grant, and check warrants.

The official agenda is available on the Town website:

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