How to Deal with Scams and Robocallers April 3 at GMC

Past event
Apr 3, 2019

Wed. night at 6:30 PM, the Green Mountain Club is hosting a AARP/Fraudwatch speaking event. The community is invited to attend a presentation on how scams work thru the phone and thru e-mail and other means. We will discuss who is doing it, how they are doing it, and how you can fight back!
Millions of dollars are lost by young and old alike every year. Come ask your questions and get answers. Plenty of free printed information. This is a volunteer effort for the community and it is free!

From the FTC:
The FTC announced that it stopped the operator of a series of sham charities called "Veterans of America." That operator sent millions of robocalls to donors and collected more than half a million dollars illegally. The robocalls' message claimed that the organization was a charity and donations were tax deductible. None of that was true. The FTC stopped him in his tracks.

The FTC announced that three individual defendants in the case against Point Break Media agreed to a robocall ban, and a ban on helping others send robocalls. All of them were part of a scheme that sent false (and alarming) robocalls to small business owners to get their money.

The FTC said three defendants who provided the autodialers used to place billions of illegal robocalls are now banned from supplying autodialers to telemarketers. In fact, those defendants provided the autodialing technology used by robocallers in at least eight prior FTC cases. They also will pay $1.35 million.

The FTC's work against illegal robocalls continues, and you can help by letting us know when you get an illegal robocall: Read this article to learn more, or visit

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