Comedians Josie Leavitt and Sue Schmidt

Past event
Mar 15, 2014

Join Josie Leavitt and Sue Schmidt for their first show at Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center on March 15th at 7:30.

What could be better than a comedy show on the Ides of March? A show with both of comics writing to the theme of fear. In case you weren't aware: comics are afraid of odd things.

For example: Josie is afraid of rocks. Big ones, little ones, doesn't matter. Sue is terrified of most lettuces, which makes salads a phobic delight.

Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 the day of the show. Buy your tickets ahead and have money left for a pre-show drink. Get your tickets here:

Thanks to all of you for your continued support of comedy in Vermont. Without you, we'd be the ones just pacing in our living rooms talking to ourselves.

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