Middlesex Communication Team Meeting

Past event
Apr 4, 2019, 6 to 7:30 PM

The Middlesex Communication Team will be meeting at Rumney Memorial School on Thursday, April 4, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. This team is one of the action groups that emerged from What's Next Middlesex.

Thanks to everybody who stopped by to chat with us at the information table we staffed on Town Meeting Day. The team's goal is to improve communication about events going on in Middlesex (meetings, concerts, plays, games, etc.). We are working to improve and publicize an online calendar of vibrant, local events. We welcome your participation and additional ideas.

Over the coming weeks, we will be reaching out to local boards, committees and organizations to help them to use the calendar most effectively.

Hot tip: Look at the top of this posting. You can click on the word "Calendar" right below the date on this posting and voila! You will be taken to our local Front Porch Forum calendar page. Any item posted as an "Event" on Front Porch Forum is simultaneously posted to this calendar. This calendar is a handy resource for Middlesex and we want to improve the quantity and information quality of these postings. We are also working with the Town Clerk's Office to embed this local calendar page on the town website. There are a few technical and legal questions to be answered before that can happen. We'll keep you posted.

Thanks, from the Middlesex Communication Team, including Elias Gardner, Marsha Bancroft, Nancy Riley, Ursula Stanley, Tammy Picard, Mark Bushnell, Susan Clark, Kimberly Jessup, Jen Carbee, Dina Bahrawy and others

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