YIMBY Workshop - Yes in My Backyard!

Past event
Apr 10, 2019, 9 AM to 3 PM

NRRA YIMBY! Yes In My Back Yard! Workshop Day @ Lyndonville Public Safety Building - Wednesday April 10, 2019.
For program description and to register for this FREE workshop (lunch is provided), visit: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eg4lxhs792cac63c&llr=9wyrldzab

The Northeast Resource Recovery Association is hosting a series of 5 workshops for school staff and businesses, where participants will learn about:
-how to position food scrap diversion to be the next logical step for communities, schools and facilities to achieve waste diversion goals and sustainability.
-organics diversion at businesses, schools, and at transfer stations.
-the basics in battery recycling, handling, safety, and transportation.

Join for one of more workshops, all free for participants!
9:00 AM Workshop 1: Battery Recycling: Best Management Practices
10:00 AM Workshop 2: The Dirt on Dirt: Municipal Composting 101
11:00 AM Workshop 3: Where Does it (Organics) Go?
Lunch (free for participants who register!)
1:00 PM Workshop 4: Back to the Earth: Composting Basics
2:00 PM Workshop 5: Trash On the Lawn Day Training

Questions? Contact Sarah McGraw at smcgraw@nrra.net

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