Faith and Family films will be presenting the movie "Indivisible" this Saturday night at Lighthouse Baptist Church at 90 Mechanicsville Rd. Hinesburg. This showing is free of charge. A free will offering will be accepted to benefit Faith and Family films. Popcorn and candy and beverages will be available for a small charge . Combo for $4.00 or $5.00. There will also be DVDs for sale and T-shirts etc. available as well as some free give -aways. This movie is about a Chaplain in the military and the effect it has on him and on his marriage. It will be a great movie for couples and or singles too. Inspiring and family friendly. Hope you can join us for an entertaining night. Don't miss it. We show films that have been shown in theaters that are high quality acting and actors. All are welcome but probably not a good one for the kids this time. Teens and up will enjoy.
Mar 7, 12 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025
BEE Welcomes Select Board Member Jessica TeetsMar 7, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Spring Fever Craft FairMar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM