Rick Winston Speaking at Chelsea Town Hall April 4

Past event
Apr 4, 2019, 7 to 8:30 PM

Author, RICK WINSTON will be discussing his book RED SCARE in the GREEN MOUNTAINS on Thursday, April 4th at the Chelsea Town Hall at 7 PM.
What happened in Vermont during the McCarthy Era, when anti-Communist fear known as the "Red Scare" swept through the country? RICK WINSTON explores some forgotten history as we see how a small, rural state handled the hysteria. The Green Mountain state challenged the national narrative with its own fascinating stories. Here are nine of the most gripping dramas played out in Vermont during this time, including a high-profile academic firing, controversies involving left-leaning summer residents, courageous newspaper editors who spoke out against Joseph McCarthy's tactics, and a conservative senator who helped take down Joseph McCarthy.

This is the last of our Winter Talk Series, sponsored by the Chelsea Public Library.
Hope to see you there!

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