For all GMT bus riders in Waterbury or commuters that have the desire to ride the bus but can't align a schedule or your needs, please come to the meeting on Tuesday and share your feedback!
Details on the meeting location and time:
Waterbury SAL Community Room
28 N Main St, Suite 2, Waterbury, VT 05676
This location has been updated from the previously advertised Steele Community Room
Green Mountain Transit is having another community meeting surrounding the Next Gen bus schedule planning for Waterbury. In an earlier session held last year, the plan was to evaluate the Waterbury stop to streamline services to/from Waterbury for the Montpelier commuters on the 86 and the 286 Link Express to Burlington. If you have strong feedback on keeping a time in the schedule, adding a time in or are just interested in the conversation, please attend.
Feb 25, 2025, 1 to 2:30 PM
Jericho Underhill Food Hub Monthly MeetingFeb 26, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Montpelier Mindfulness GroupMar 4, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM