Don't Forget Town Braintap Talk

Past event
Mar 12, 2014

Are you a fan of TV’s CSI? The History Channel? Sherlock Holmes? Interested in Vermont social history and criminal justice procedure in bygone eras? Want to be entertained by a master researcher and storyteller? Come pull up a comfortable seat at our informal “indoor campfire” for:

A Talk by John Stark Bellamy (Mar. 12, 7pm, in adult-friendly space at Twinfield Union School)

In his long career as a published crime author, former librarian John Stark Bellamy has extensively researched and written a number of books about notorious homicides, stories of disappearance, manslaughter and how they were handled by the operating criminal justice system of the day. Among his more recent compilations is “Vintage Vermont Villainies.” Author Howard Frank Mosher wrote, “Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler would have loved this book.” John has also appeared in TV documentaries on A&E's “The History Channel” and “The Discovery Channel.”

TO SIGN UP ONLINE (it’s really simple) and to see what remaining spring talks you might want to come to, please go the website. .

TOWN BRAINTAP is pure edu-tainment, and operates wholly as a community benefactor. A suggested $10.00 donation on arrival (less is OK) is gifted to worthy causes in our area. We are currently gifting all proceeds to Twinfield’s community and literacy mentoring programs for children.

Please note that the following events are now FILLED:
>> Song Lyrics and the Imagery Behind Them; An Evening with Anais Mitchell AND
>> Empower Yourself at Home: Learn How to Handle Common Power Tools; An Evening with Trevor Tait.
We ask registrants to be kind and let us know if their plans to attend change, so we can notify others as spaces may open up. Questions: Ricka McNaughton 454-1275 website:

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