Looking for something fun to do Saturday night? Come join us for a Contra Dance. And what is Contra Dancing you ask? The two best descriptions I've ever heard? "Contra dancing is social interaction, meeting people, and making new friends, set to music....the rest is just details."Or my favorite: "It's like square dancing and swing met in a bar." It's a lot of fun and a great way to meet people. No need to bring a partner (you'll be meeting and dancing with lots of different folks throughout the evening) All the dances are taught by a caller (in this case Alex Deis-Lauby) with Pete's Posse (Pete Sutherland, Oliver Scanlon (shout out to Oliver who used to live in Fletcher) and Tristan Henderson) providing "live" music. So, let's see: What? Contra Dance. When? Saturday March 16th, 8:00 (7:45 instruction session for newcomers) . Where? The Capital City Grange in Montpelier. Cost? Basic admission for adults? $10 /children $5. Come join us for a fun evening, excellent music and the chance to meet some great folks.