Osher Presentation March 12

Past event
Mar 12, 2014, 1:30 to 3 PM

Hi Folks,
Another Wednesday, another Osher presentation. This time Rick Winston will be our speaker, talking about ''The Red Scare Comes to Bethel, 1950.'' Many of you know Rick as a film guru, but he also does historical research. He has been researching the McCarthy era and an incident that happened in Bethel in 1950 which brought some notoriety to our small state.

Date: Weds., March 12
Time: 1:30-2:45
Location: Aldrich Public Library (downstairs), Barre (doors open at 12:30 for brown baggers)
Cost: free for OLLI members, non-members $5 suggested donation

Questions? email me or call me at 454-7814

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