Walk Showcasing Forest Management on Hinesburg Town Forest

Past event
Mar 17, 2019, 1 to 3 PM

On Sunday 3/17, Chittenden County Forester Ethan Tapper will lead a public walk of active forest management on the Hinesburg Town Forest (HTF). This timber sale is being cut by Hinesburg logger Tim Brown, and is also supervised and marked by Ethan. This operation will be continuing through next winter. Similar to the PPCA, the work at the HTF is designed to improve forest health, encourage high-quality, healthy trees, provide improved habitat for wildlife and generally to encourage a more complex, diverse forest while demonstrating responsible active forest management in an open, transparent and inclusive way. For this walk, please meet at the end of Economou Road in Huntington at 1:00 PM, where we will park in the plow turn-around. The walk will go from 1:00 – 3:00 PM.

In this project a primary goal is to increase public understanding of active forest management --- how it can be done in an ecological context and in a modern, thoughtful way --- and to showcase Vermont's working landscape and the importance of producing local renewable resources. No matter what you think of the practice of forestry and logging, these public walks give you an opportunity to see and engage with these practices first-hand, and to ask questions about them.

The walk will take place, rain, shine, sleet or snow. Please come prepared for whatever weather conditions we might face. For questions about these walks, please call or email Ethan at (802)-585-9099 or ethan.tapper@vermont.gov

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