Wellness Day at VTC - Williston Campus March 10

Past event
Mar 10, 2014, 12:30 to 3:30 PM

Re-posting this for my wife

Event: Mar 10, 2014
The Williston Vermont Technical College Nursing Honor Society, Alpha Delta Nu wants you to join us for a day of community health! We are excited to have the opportunity to reach out to our community and provide education and a helping hand. We will be offering nutrition education, blood pressure checks and glucose checks to all who are interested. The event is open to everybody and there is no fee. Additionally, we are partnering with the Be the Match Organization which signs people, ages 18-44, up to be included in a national registry as a bone marrow or stem cell donor. Help us help some of our community members both locally and throughout the country who are fighting leukemia. Every new person added to the list could be a life saved! Be the Match is entirely optional and we would love to give you any information you may want.

We are looking forward to this event and hope that you will join us to promote your health and the health of our community!

Event Details:
When: March 10, 2014 from 12:30-3:30
Where: Vermont Technical College Campus, 400 Building (building facing route 15). There will be signs to direct you!

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