Monday March 10: School Board Meeting

Past event
Mar 10, 2014, 6 PM

Tinmouth Town School District
Board of School Directors (Regular) Meeting
Date: March 10, 2014
Time: 6:00PM
Place: Tinmouth Elementary School

1. Call to Order (Action) (Superintendent calls the meeting to order and for nominatons for Chair)
2. Reorganization:
a. Nomination/Election of Officers
i. Chair (Once Chair is elected, s/he may take over the meeting)
ii. Vice Chair
iii. Clerk
b. Identify date/time for monthly board meetings – (previously the 2nd Monday of the month at 6PM)
c. Identify locations for posting warnings (previously town office, school/community center, community church and RSWSU Central Office)
d. Identify media source of record (identifies place where agendas are sent)
e. Appoint Truant Officer (if none appointed, defaults to local law enforcement by statute)
f. Affirm Roberts Rules of Order (for small boards) (as required by statute)
g. Appoint Committee Representatives (if applicable)
i. Negotiations – Teachers
ii. Negotiations – Support Staff
iii. Human Resource
iv. Finance
v. Act 153
h. Authorize Chair to sign warrants
i. Appoint School Board Member to serve on Community Center Board
j. Other re-organizational business (as required/needed)

3. Consent Agenda: (Action)
i. Approval of Minutes: February 2014
b. Superintendent’s Report
c. Principal’s Report
d. Business Manager’s Report
i. Financial Statement

4. General Public Comments (Listen and Defer Action to Future Mtg.)

5. Sign Bills and Orders (Action)
a. Approval of Warrants
i. Warrant #24 in the amount of $27,547.51 dated 2/12/14
ii. Warrant #26 in the amount of $31,690.38 dated 2/26/14

6. Old Business: (Discussion & Possible Action)

7. New Business: (Receive Information & Possible Action)

8. Policies – (Action): None.

9. Personnel Contracts (Action if warranted)

10. Set Next Regular Meeting, (Anticipated April 14, 2014 at 6:00 PM at the Tinmouth Elementary School -**this falls during break week ?? if need to change date) (Action)

11. Executive Session 1 VSA § 313(a)(b)(1-9 (if warranted) (Discussion and possible Action)

12. Other Lawful Business (Informal Gathering Only)

13. Adjournment (Action).

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