Spring Retreat Days at Milarepa Center

Past event
Mar 31, 2019, 10 AM to 4 PM

For many of us, spring brings a sense of refreshing ourselves (and our practice); a sense of awakening from the long, cold, and dark winter – like a bear awakening from hibernation! The days become longer and warmer, and we feel awake, renewed, and excited for the coming season! Each retreat day will have a schedule for the day, a "working theme" which will guide our practice sessions for the day, lunch and tea breaks, time for personal reflection, journaling, studying texts, walking outside, etc. The schedule will allow for time during the day that is self-directed so that you may explore your own practice and benefit the most from the day. The 3-day Spring Retreat Series begins on March 31st and runs through May, see our website for all dates and times: http://milarepacenter.org/calendar/

Registration Information:
The cost for each retreat day(s) is by donation. We kindly ask that you register in advance by calling our office at 802-633-4136 or emailing us at: milarepa@milarepacenter.org

A schedule for the day along with details will be sent in advance to participants upon registration. We hope you can join us!

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