Event: Mar 28, 2019, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
I'm re-posting from yesterday this event - here with the corrected web link for registration:
As a Bethel University "meet up", I will be offering a "Soiree" or evening dance party of New England traditional music and dance at the Bethel Town Hall on March 28 from 6:30 - 9:30. This is a family-friendly social event, with potluck, live music and dancing (see the BU website for full description). I will be teaching the dances, adding a little cultural context, and musicians are welcome to join in the band. No need to bring food unless you wish.
Registration IS required at https://betheluniversityvt.org, and attendance is expected if you register ......search for "Soiree" on 3/28/19. All Bethel University courses and events are free and open to everyone. Contact me with questions, and particularly if you'd like to join in the band. Music will be provided in advance.This is a great opportunity to get a few pointers and practice for attending larger, regular social dances of all kinds.